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How to Dice a Mango

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I can’t remember where I learned this, but it’s got to be one of my favorite little culinary tricks. Years ago, when I was teaching preschool, one of the little girls in my class brought half a mango, with its skin intact, for snack. Now, maybe I was just mango-clueless, but I think I nearly fainted when I saw her flip it inside out and easily eat the sweet fruit. Shortly after that, I discovered the trick. And, if you haven’t seen this before, here’s a little photo guide for how to easily dice a mango.

How to Dice a Mango

Step 1: Start with one ripe, juicy mango.  It should smell sweet and give a little when you press it with your fingers.

One ripe, delicious mango

Step 2: Mangoes have a large, flat seed, which runs through the center of the fruit.  To remove the seed, balance the mango on one of its thin sides and cut the fruit from both sides of the center. You will know if you’ve hit the seed if your knife encounters resistance.

Mango seed removed

Step 3: Holding one side in your palm, carefully score the mango with a sharp knife into your desired dice.  Try to cut up to the skin, but not through the skin.  Placing a towel between the mango and your palm can help prevent injuries if you accidentally cut through the mango skin.

Scored Mango

Step 4: (This is my favorite part!!)  Placing your thumbs on the skin side of the mango, flip it inside out, so that it looks like a mango porcupine.

Mango Porcupine!

Step 5: Holding the mango over a bowl, use a sharp knife to cut the mango away from the skin.

Mango remnants

Voila!  Diced Mango!  Perfect for tonight’s Spicy Mango Salsa!

Diced Mango

Watch out for sneaky fingers!

8 responses »

  1. Oh – this is SO helpful!! I have ruined many-a-mango and my kids LOVE mango for snack. Great directions – thanks!!

  2. Step 6: lean over sink and chew on flesh clinging to the flat seed like it was a BBQ’d rib. You’re leaning over the sink so when the juice drips down your chin, it doesn’t land on your shirt! 😉

  3. Very cool! I love mango, can’t wait to try this!

  4. Pingback: Tropical Fish Tacos with Spicy Mango Salsa and Coconut Rice « The Gourmand Mom

  5. I can’t tell you how many different ways I’ve tried cutting a mango. Finally a method that works!! And, by the way, the pictures in your postings are just as wonderful as the postings themselves!!

  6. Pingback: Steak Dinner. Yummy, yummy. « The Gourmand Mom

  7. WOW! Love it! I think I’m gonna have to share on Pintrest 🙂

    Happy Cooking!


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The Gourmand Mom

Good food, seasoned with a dash of life