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A Love Letter

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Dearest Lindt Excellence Intense Orange Chocolate,

There are no words to express the way I feel about you. I remember the first time we met, as if it were yesterday. Do you remember? We were in the Clearwater Beach Rite Aid. The date was March 14, 2010. I saw you. You saw me. It was kismet. I brought you home and our love affair began.  Your luscious chunks of candied orange and slivers of crunchy almonds were so irresistible to me. We moved quickly, but feelings like this have no limit on speed. And, so it is. Our pure and simple love, as bittersweet as your chocolatey self. I am a respectable married woman.  It is unseemly for me to be seen consorting with someone other than my betrothed. Alas, my heart belongs to you, darling Lindt Excellence Intense Orange Chocolate. I will shout it from the rooftops.  I love you, Lindt Excellence Intense Orange Chocolate!  I love you.

Until later, my love. Until later.

3 responses »

  1. theharrodsgirl

    This is actually one of my favourite bars of chocolate, which is always in the drawer! Terrys Chocolate Orange isn’t a patch on this Lindt one! Yum.

  2. You are hilarious!!!!!! I love the way you write! I will certainly be trying one of these this week…my mother-in-law got me a Lindt Excellence Chili Dark Chocolate Bar once and it was oddly good. 🙂

    • You’re going to love the Intense Orange! SO good! Have you seen the recipe for the Chocolate Chile Cake I posted? If you like the Chocolate Chile Bar, you should try the cake….pretty much tastes like a rich, flourless chocolate cake, but it’s got just a kick of spice in the aftertaste! Very interesting!


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The Gourmand Mom

Good food, seasoned with a dash of life